A van parked up outside Craigavon Area Hospital has been robbed of every power tool from inside.
Portadown man Nathan Milligan took to social media to blast the “scumbags” who looted his van earlier today (Wednesday).
It’s the latest episode in a car park blighted by incidents.
Posting on Facebook, Mr Milligan, blasted: “Anyone in the Craigavon Area Hospital Free Car Park between 10.45 – 11.45am see any suspicious activities and my white van was broke into.
“I have lost every power tool that I own. Rotten scumbags.
“Anyone with information please contact myself are the police. These men need stopped asap isn’t fair on honest working men trying to provide for their families.”
Craigavon SDLP representative Thomas Larkham has called on the public to help.
“It’s hard enough to make ends meet these days without the added stress of having every power tool you own being stolen,” he said. “Lowest of the low Anyone with any information please contact Nathan (below) or PSNI on 101. I hope they are returned.”
Earlier this year there were calls for CCTV cameras to be installed at the car parks at Craigavon Area Hospital after yet another health worker had their vehicle damaged.
And back in September, a nurse on day shift at the hospital had all four wheels stolen from her vehicle in the car park.
The lady’s Volkswagen Golf was parked to the rear of the hospital before she returned to find it had been left balancing precariously on some bricks left by the thieves.
A spokesperson for the Southern Trust said: “We can confirm that this incident has been reported to our security team and we are liaising with the PSNI.
“The Trust has secured £100,000 to upgrade CCTV across a number of sites – read more here.”