An ‘inflatable water park’ looks set to create a splash as County Armagh’s latest fun-for-all-the-family attraction, Armagh I can reveal.
The brilliant new feature will add to the ongoing development associated with the multi-million pound South Lake Leisure Centre in Craigavon.
It will form a key component of an exciting new Watersports Centre which is being planned.
The South Lake Leisure Centre officially opened in November and was warmly received by users.
But due to the current pandemic, it was forced to close, and is currently in use as the regional Covid vaccination centre.
Now Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council is planning to introduce a new element to the lakes surrounding the leisure centre.
The new Watersports Centre, it is hoped, will be launched later this year.
Cleaning up of the waters and removal of debris and rubbish has been ongoing in recent months.
What is promised is a “range of activities”.
Lord Mayor Kevin Savage, overseeing the ongoing clean-up at the start of the year, said staff were working “extremely hard to ensure that everything will be ready”.
“The difference after just a few weeks of work is amazing and there are many exciting plans in the pipeline,” he teased.
Now Armagh I can reveal that an inflatable water park will open as part of the plans for the Watersports Centre.
ABC Council had gone out to tender for the “supply, delivery and installation” of the new fun-packed features which will form the basis of Co Armagh’s newest attraction. It is understood the value of the tender, according to Construction Information Services, is in the region of £35,000.
And the contract has been awarded to Mount Green Agencies Ltd, which is based in Lancashire.
The company – which has vast experience in this specialist field – will oversee the creation of the inflatable water park within the three-month contract deadline.
It will keep the Watersports Centre well on target for the anticipated opening later this year.
The water-based activities have yet to be fully finalised but details should be confirmed in the coming months.
It will add a whole new dimension to the impressive flagship South Lake Leisure Centre, work on which started back in 2018, creating 500 jobs on site during construction. Additional employment opportunities have also been created in a range of areas.
The expansive state-of-the-art facility is home to a 50-metre, eight-lane swimming pool and 1,000m2 gym – the largest on the island of Ireland.
Located overlooking the stunning Craigavon Lakes, the impressive sports and leisure provision also features a multi-court sports hall, squash courts, a dedicated group cycle studio, dance studio, a health and wellbeing suite and an on-site café in a cutting-edge building specifically designed for people with disabilities providing accessibility for all users.
There is also a cafe.
The inclusion of the new Watersports Centre is guaranteed to be a welcome addition when installed and available for use when relaxation of restrictions allows.