A man who was found to be in possession of Class A and B drugs after being arrested for disorderly behaviour has been sentenced to three months in prison.
Handing down the sentence, the district judge commented that the 20-year-old had “an atrocious record for someone so young”.
Ryan Nesbitt, of Killynure Walk in Carryduff, pleaded guilty to possession of Class B, possession of Class C, disorderly behaviour and resisting police at Craigavon Magistrates’ Court on Friday, via videolink from Maghaberry.
Prosecution outlined that on April 18, shortly before midnight, police received a report from a member of the public that a drunk male had been shouting at them on the Brownlow Road, Craigavon.
Upon arrival, police identified this male as the defendant and checks revealed that he was in breach of bail conditions.
Nesbitt attempted to escape from the officer but was then arrested, continuing to shout and swear throughout.
A search was conducted of the defendant, during which cannabis and diazepam where located in the chest pocket of his jacket.
He was conveyed to Lurgan Custody Suite, where he made full admissions to all offences during interview.
Defence barrister Natasha Fitzsimons admitted that Nesbitt had a relevant record but asked for the judge to note his early plea and his time spent on remand.
District Judge Bernie Kelly commented that the defendant had “an atrocious record for someone so young” as she sentenced him to three months in custody.