Armagh I has launched on WhatsApp so you can keep up-to-date with the latest headlines and breaking news from your area.
With over 230,000 unique users visiting Armagh I right across the county and beyond each month, we want to deliver the big news stories right to your phone as and when is happens.
If you would like to sign up, all you need to do is save 07938050001 as a new contact in your phone, then text ‘Your Location’ in a WhatsApp message to that number. E.g ‘Armagh’; ‘Portadown’; ‘Lurgan’, ‘Banbridge’, ‘Newry’, ‘South Armagh’ etc, and we will include you in our broadcast group for your area and surrounding district.
For example, if you opt for Armagh, you will only receive updates pertinent to Armagh and District, as well as major breaking news stories.
For Portadown, Craigavon and Lurgan, it will be stories pertinent to the old Craigavon Council area, likewise with Banbridge.
For South Armagh, the news will cover areas in Newry, Mourne and of course south Armagh – the old Newry and Mourne council area.
You will receive no more than one update maximum per day, unless we have a live and developing breaking news story.
We will not share your details with anyone else or use your number for any other purposes.
If you want to opt out of the service, simply text ‘stop’ to the same number and we will cease sending you updates.
This phone number is not monitored and is used for WhatsApp purposes only.