It’s been a nerve-wracking wait for the parents of little Bessbrook schoolboy Bobby Browne following a bone marrow transplant last month.
But special praise must be reserved for little Bobby himself who has been so brave as he starts on his road to recovery – but it is a really great start on that road.
Bobby, who was diagnosed with leukaemia last summer, underwent the transplant towards the end of July and now, six weeks later, there are positives signs it has been successful.
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Dad, Danny , sharing an update on social media, wrote: “So after six weeks of intense treatment and a bone marrow transplant we are delighted to say that Bobby is engrafting and the new cells are coming up.
“So we had the pleasure of taking him out for a walk and fresh air. Thank you everyone for your support and prayers. We still have a long road but hopefully on the right one.”
You can register as a donor here https://www.dkms.org.uk/register-now
Or here https://www.anthonynolan.org/help-save-a-life/join-stem-cell-register