Officers from Armagh Neighbourhood Policing Team have seized a large quantity of class, A, B and C drugs worth in excess of £21,000 during a search in the city this morning (Saturday).
During the intelligence led search in the Cathedral Road area a large sum of cash in both Sterling and Euro notes was also recovered along a number of other items.
Two men, aged 22 and 30, have been arrested on suspicion of a range of offences and remain in custody this afternoon.
Sgt Eamonn Campbell said: “Today’s proactive operation reinforces our commitment to tackling the scourge of drugs in the communities we serve.
“Far too often we see the devastation caused by the misuse, sale and supply of drugs in families and in the wider community and we understand it is an issue people are concerned about.
“It’s really important that anyone who has concerns, or information about illegal drug-related activity in their area report it. Whatever your information, it could help us take drugs off our streets. Please report and we will investigate. It could make all the difference.”