A resurfacing scheme for the Newtownhamilton Road in Armagh has commenced.
The improvement work will extend for 0.6 kilometres from south of the junction with the Drumconwell Road to the entrance to Latmacollum Road and includes resurfacing with repairs to road drainage.
To help ensure the safety of those using the road and to facilitate the works, traffic is currently being managed under traffic signals, but it will be necessary to operate a road closure, weekdays, excluding evenings and weekends, from 9.15am to 8pm commencing on Monday, May 22 until Friday, June 2.
An alternative route will be signed with traffic being diverted via A29 Keady Road, B3 Tassagh Road and B31 Newtownhamilton Road.
Local access for residents and emergency services will be maintained although some minor delays may be experienced.
The Department has carefully planned these road works and associated traffic management arrangements in order to minimise inconvenience to the public. Road users are advised to allow extra time for their journey and to follow the alternative routes which will be clearly signed on the approaches to the closure.
Completion of the work by 2 June 2023 is dependent on favourable weather conditions. The Department will keep the public informed of any change. All work will be carried out in line with current public health and safety advice, with safe systems of working in place for staff and contractors.
For traffic information about this and other improvement schemes visit: Trafficwatchni