Mickey Brady, the Sinn Fein MP for Newry & Armagh will not seek re-selection ahead of the upcoming Westminster election, it has been announced.
He first became an MLA in 2007, before being elected to Westminster in 2015. He was re-elected in 2017 and most recently in 2019.
Sinn Fein Vice-President and First Minister Michelle O’Neill commented: “For over forty years, Mickey Brady has been to the fore of giving a voice to people and working to transform communities, and played a key role in assisting people with welfare and housing advice.
“Mickey has spent his life fighting for a fair and equal society, and was steadfast in his support for the Good Friday Agreement and delivering real change.”
She added: “He was elected to Westminster as MP for Newry and Armagh on three terms and has worked hard and with great determination, both locally and abroad, to promote the continued peace and reconciliation on the island of Ireland and to consolidate the growth of Sinn Féin.
“I want to thank Mickey for his lifelong contribution, for a life activism, friendship and for his warmth and kindness and I wish him and his family all the very best for the future.”
Former Sinn Féin Mayor for Newry Council, Daire Hughes, commented: “Our friend and comrade Mickey Brady MP has announced that he will not be contesting the next election and will be stepping back from public office.
“I joined Mickey on my first ever canvass and he’s been a source of advice, guidance and leadership ever since.
“His commitment to working people of this area is second to none – he has steadfastly been their champion.
“Whilst he’s standing back from public life, I’m sure he’ll continue to share his vast knowledge and experience with us in the years ahead. I’m also sure Mickey, Caroline and the clan will be looking forward to more time together after a lifetime of working for the community. Ádh mór Mickey!”