Officers from Armagh and Newry were part of a wider PSNI operation targeting criminal activity which led to 14 arrests.
Five policing districts were working alongside colleagues from An Gardaí Siochana, on proactive operations, which were primarily aimed at disrupting and preventing criminal activity, particularly burglary
Officers from Lisburn and Castlereagh; Newry, Mourne and Down; Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon, Mid Ulster and Fermanagh and Omagh Districts, along with An Gardaí Siochana, conducted over 205 vehicle checpoints.
In all, a total of 15 vehicles were seized and 14 arrests made as part of the ongoing operation.
Inspector Russell Vogan said: “We have been running a number of targeted operations over the past number of weeks and will continue to do so in the run up to Christmas.
“Our overall aim is to keep people safe and bring more offenders before the courts. On a daily basis, police officers respond to calls for help from people who have been burgled, so we are very much aware of the effect these incidents can cause.
“We are committed to bringing those responsible before the courts.”