Millions of pounds will be invested in new housing developments in the Newry Road area of Armagh if two ambitious proposals are approved.
Blackgate Property Services is hoping to build 47 new homes in the area of Ashley.
Armagh I understands the cost of that development to be in the region of £3.5 million.
The properties have been earmarked for a site close to the main Newry Road with access from Ashley Gardens.
The proposals also include landscaping and three of the new homes would include detached garages.
Meanwhile, there are plans in the pipeline for seven new homes in the Cavanacaw Road area, just off the main Newry Road.
Glenview Developments Ltd is hoping to build five detached homes and two detached properties.
The cost is understood to be in excess of £500,000.
Both of these applications would, if approved, bring a substantial lift to the local housing market through employment and longer term sales opportunities.
The applications have been submitted to Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council for consideration and decisions will be expected in the coming months.