One of the Mall’s famous majestic trees is to cut down as it is now deemed to pose a danger to the public.
The lime tree – located at the Gaol end of Mall West in Armagh, directly opposite the entrance to Little Barrack Street – has been found to be suffering from rot and as such it must come down.
But another ‘Lime Greenspire’ tree will go up in its place. It will be up to six metres tall and will be put in during the first available planting season after the rotting tree is felled.
At the same time, works are also to be carried out to 21 other trees on the Mall aimed at ensuring their preservation for many more years to come.
They are dotted around the popular Armagh city centre park and the processes mainly revolve around reducing their ‘crowns’ and reducing their end weight.
All of the trees are protected as they fall within the Conservation Area of Armagh.
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council this week gave consent for the works to proceed.
A report to planning committee states: “Officers are satisfied that the proposed works are necessary in the interests of preserving the health and condition of the trees concerned and to protect the health and safety of the general public.”
In relation to the tree which is to be felled, it was found to be “hollow and has basal rot”.
The report adds: “Due to the proximity of the tree to the public highway and pedestrian walk ways, this tree is considered to represent a risk to public health.
“Officers therefore consider that, in this instance, it is acceptable to fell this tree.”
One of the conditions imposed is that works must take place within two years of the date of consent being given.