An Armagh-based residents group has secured funding to provide two new benches and a picnic tables for locals to enjoy.
And Longstone Residents’ Association has asked ABC to accept the items as a ‘donation’.
By doing so, the council would take over responsibility of the new street furniture and install and maintain it.
Council’s environment committee were asked on Tuesday night to agree to accept the donation, which they duly did.
A report to councillors advises: “Longstone Residents’ Association have delivered several projects over the past few years to develop an area of open space close to the play park in Longstone.
“The group have been carrying out monthly litter picks with ‘Live Here Love Here’, as well as carrying out some maintenance of the surrounding area.
“They have also been responsible for organising several sports and biodiversity projects delivered to local young people.”
The funding was secured to buy two benches and one large picnic table, which they are asking council to accept and install on an open space adjacent the play park at Longstone.
Council will be responsible for the installation of the street furniture as well as the ongoing liability and maintenance, but will not be responsible for replacing or repairs if the items or damaged or stolen.
The motion was proposed by Sinn Féin councillor John Og O’Kane who praised the “tremendous” work of the residents’ association, and seconded by party colleague, Councillor Fergal Donnelly.