After a two year absence due to Covid-19 Armagh Lions Christmas Appeal is making a timely return to help those in the community in need, with the ‘£1 Pledge to Heat-or-Eat’.
With everyone facing challenging times amid a cost-of-living crisis, Armagh Lions are aiming to make the decision to ‘Heat-or-Eat’ a little easier, and the choice of which to support is up to you.
The Club is asking everyone who can to pledge £1 either for fuel vouchers or by using it to purchase a few items of foodstuff.
Donating to the Christmas Appeal will help supply food, freeing up funds for heating while cash for fuel vouchers will allow extra funds to purchase food.
It shouldn’t be a choice for anyone to have to make for survival but unfortunately it is and it’s vital the support and compassion is there to assist.
On Friday 9 and Saturday 10 December, the Club will be back in position outside Sainsbury’s store in Armagh where food items can be donated or cash collected.
Foodstuffs will be taken to Armagh Food Bank and cash will go to St Vincent de Paul for the distribution of fuel vouchers.
Armagh Lions President Iain Wright said, “Given the current financial strains, we are simply asking for a £1 pledge which you can either purchase a few items of food or donate to the fuel fund. If you can manage more than £1 it will of course be very welcome, but we are realistic and keen to stress this is a time of sharing what we have or what we can do. Year after year while carrying out this appeal, we’ve seen first-hand the generous Christmas spirit flourishing in Armagh. No matter how difficult things are, the response is always overwhelming.”
Iain continued, “Armagh Lions have pitched the £1 Pledge as an achievable goal for those who can manage to support our appeal. We have always been of the view if we each do a little we can all achieve a lot and that’s exactly what we are focusing on this Christmas. Whether you choose to support heating or eating, your kindness will make Christmas a little easier for many this year.”
He concluded, “Due to Covid-19 restrictions we missed the Christmas Appeal for two years which was difficult as it’s always been a firm favourite in the Armagh Lions calendar, if only because we get to see our community at its best. So please join us again and be part of something very special by pledging £1 and sharing the warmth of what Christmas is really about.”
For further information please contact Armagh Lions Secretary Malcolm Dawson at wmdawson@gmail.com or call 07803 130 450.
Getting ready for the Armagh Lions Club ‘£1 Pledge Heat-or-Eat Christmas Appeal’ at Sainsbury’s Armagh are members (left to right standing) Malcolm Dawson and Isaac Beattie, and (kneeling) David Elliott.