A frightened feline stuck in an Armagh tree for three days has been freed following a fearless intervention by Armagh Tree surgery!
The terrified tom had been trapped up the tree in the Umgola area of the city, provoking several concerned passersby to call for help.
This morning (Tuesday), the Armagh Tree Surgery team of Stephen and Letisha Conn came to the rescue and, in under an hour, they managed to bring the moggie back down to dry land.
Speaking to Armagh I, the owner of Mr Scruffs says that she first noticed he was missing on Saturday when the cat failed to arrive at her mum’s house.
She waited for Mr Scruffs to return, but found out what happened when she heard a crying noise from a tree on Monday evening.
The owner explained: “We knew the cat was safe and was up the tree but there was just no way of getting it. It was on a hill in a ditch and if anyone fell in it was steep and full of thorns.”
She tried everybody, including the council, cherry-picker companies and emergency services. The Fire Service said they were unable to retrieve the cat.
Eventually, however, Armagh Tree Surgery came to the rescue.
“I put it up on my Facebook page and a lady contacted Armagh Tree Surgery this morning. They were able to get the cat down and the cat is well and safe.
“I was just thankful. I love cats and not long ago I had to put my other cat to sleep, which just broke my heart.”
Grateful for the assistance in retrieving her beloved pet, the owner says she wants to thank Armagh Tree Surgery for their work.
“I was over the moon that they could get the cat, I can’t describe the feeling. I couldn’t give them enough and they wouldn’t take anything.
“They’re so brilliant at what they do. Without them, the cat would have died up the tree.”
Stephen Conn, of Armagh Tree Surgery, said he came out to help after the Fire Service said they couldn’t do anything.
“Letisha is the one that went up the tree with the bag and managed to coax the cat into the bag and got it down safely.
“She had to climb the tree using the two-rope system and try not to frighten the kitten. It took about an hour overall by the time we got set up.”
Added Stephen: “Letisha was unreal. The cat was a bit nervous but she managed to talk to it and pet it and luckily the cat was very calm. It must have been knackered and hungry.”
Letisha commented: “It went really well. I was nervous about the cat in case it fell as the cat was very nervous!”