Have you long been pining over a perfectly pruned instagram-able tree?
Well, look no further as Davidson’s Walled Garden Centre in Armagh have every shape and size of Nordmann Christmas tree ready to be carefully selected.
Let’s face it, the putting up and decorating of your tree really marks the official countdown to the big day so why not create a family memory this year by having a day out picking out the perfect tree whilst giving back to charity?
Speaking to Armagh I, Robert Davidson explained how they had begun growing trees at the nursery some eight years ago but things have quickly grown.
“I couldn’t tell you how many trees we have now, all I know is you couldn’t count them!” he said. “There are some 15 to 20 feet tall and others that are six feet but we made sure we planted in stages to get to this point.”
Last year saw Robert welcome families to the nursery to explore and hand pick their own tree, which proved to be a massive hit.
“I was able to walk people through and help them pick one out. I would then cut it down for them and net it up to take home,” explained Robert.
Robert and his wife, Emma, had also decided to give £5 from every Christmas tree sale to two chosen charities.
“Last year, we chose the Diabetic Association and Crohns and Colitis,” he explained. “We raised £600 from tree sales and then we doubled that to make £1,200, or £600 for each charity.
“It was really great to just give back, especially at this time of year. There were people who didn’t even buy a Christmas tree but choose to make voluntary donations,”
This year, the chosen charities are Breast Cancer Now & SiMBA, who provide memory boxes for bereaved parents.
Robert said: “Me and my wife chose these charities because they are both close to home. Cancer affects everyone and we have had a few friends that have lost children. They are both great causes.”
Davidson’s Walled Garden Centre have also recently teamed up with Scott from the Craic’d Pot in Armagh to place a coffee cart at the centre.
This means that there will also be an array of homemade treats, coffee or even a hot chocolate available from the Wheelie Bean and an opportunity to browse around our Christmas shop as you prepare for the upcoming festivities.
Visit Davidson’s Walled Garden Centre website here or follow on Facebook and Instagram. Address: 42 Ballinhone Cresent, Armagh, BT60 1EE