While many will be looking forward to sitting down with family and friends this Christmas, enjoying traditional festive fayre and companionship, spare a thought for those for whom such taken-for-granted festivities are now an option.
According to the St Vincent de Paul charity, it can still take just one small problem to tip someone into crisis and poverty. But with a little help at the right time it can change everything.
This Christmas, over 140,000 people in communities across the country will ask St Vincent de Paul for help with food, fuel and basic clothing.
But the charity is unable to answer that call without YOUR help.
That is why a novel Christmas Day fundraiser is being planned in Armagh – to raise money and help give the St Vincent de Paul the voice to answer and respond when called upon by those in real need.
The event will take place on the Mall on Christmas morning, at 10am, and is being organised by the Armagh-based Bubba’s Boot Camps and Personal Training.
It’s a simple premise. Participants will meet up at the Courthouse end and either walk or run one lap of the Mall – and then go home and enjoy the traditional turkey or festive menu of choice!
Bubba told Armagh I the reasoning for the fundraising idea.
“Christmas is often associated with fun, laughter, presents and food but this is not the case for a lot of people in our community,” he explained.
“Some face a lot of hardship and despair at this time of the year and it is important that our community pulls together to show we care and share and that we are a close-knit community and we can make a difference to our neighbours at this time of the year.”
Everyone is encouraged to come out dressed in their Christmas gear – Santa hats, antlers, in fact all attire that is festive!
And the invitation is open to all – the more the merrier!
Bubba urged: “Come out and help us support those in need with a simple 20 minutes and a small donation to give back something to someone in our community who may have nothing.”
For further information or to volunteer, contact Aiman Bubba Ali on 078 4003 0515.
“It’s a very simple way to give back locally,” he added.
For more information on the annual St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal visit: http://www.svp.ie/appeal
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