An Armagh woman is to appeal a four month prison sentence she received for multiple offences of disorderly behaviour committed whilst under the influence of alcohol.
The district judge told the 54-year-old: “Your indulgence in alcohol had led to you coming to the attention of police in a very nasty and bad way.”
Genevieve Heaney, of Umgola Court, appeared for sentencing on three counts of disorderly behaviour and one of resisting police at Armagh Magistrates’ Court, sitting at Newry, on Tuesday.
Prosecution outlined that the first offence occurred on October 10, of last year.
At 2pm, police had reason to speak to the defendant at Umgola Court in Armagh. Heaney was observed to be intoxicated with slurred speech.
The defendant became aggressive towards the officers, telling them to “get back in your f***ing car”.
Heaney was warned not to shout as members of the public passed but she continued to use the ‘F’ and ‘C’ word at the “top of her voice”.
Then on February 8, of this year, police were called to First Stop Property on Ogle Street, Armagh, to a report of a female assaulting a member of staff at around 5pm.
Staff did not proceed with a complaint against the defendant but she was subsequently charged with disorderly behaviour due to her shouting and swearing at those present.
Following this, on April 25, at 8.45am, police on patrol of Navan Street, Armagh, had reason to stop and speak to this defendant.
They requested that she submitted to a preliminary breath test, as per her bail conditions, but she refused.
Heaney then began shouting at the officers, stating: “F*** off, I only had one drink.”
The defendant continued to shout incoherently at police in an aggressive manner. She was subsequently taken to the ground and handcuffed.
Defence barrister Bobbie Rea stated: “The difficulty here with these matters is that she has a suspended sentence. This is a 54-year-old woman with no blotch on her record up until the age of 50.
“Up until that time she was always fully employed. This is a lady who has problems with her mental health and alcohol.”
District Judge Bernie Kelly commented: “If we were looking at one set of charges here I could maybe have found a way, but we are looking at three for identical offending.
“Ms Heaney, you have a serious alcohol problem, whether you like to admit it or not. Your indulgence in alcohol had led to you coming to the attention of police in a very nasty and bad way.”
With the suspended sentence invoked, the defendant was sentenced to a total of four months in prison.
Mr Rea informed the court that his client wished to appeal the sentence in the matters.
Heaney was granted her own bail of £500 to appeal the imprisonment, conditions of this included; a 7pm to 6am curfew, not to enter licensed premises and not to have consumed or have intoxicating liquor on her person.