Armagh autism support group Triple A is hosting a fundraising walk /walk to mark World Autism Awareness Day on Sunday, April 2.
Triple A – which stands for Autism Action Armagh – are hosting the event at the Palace Demesne, with all funds going towards supporting the group.
Two races are being held – a 5k, which is £12 entry and a 2K, which is £6 to enter.
The group is encouraging runners, walkers, children and and those of all abilities to come out and support the event. Everyone will receive a medal, as well as water and treats at the end. All kids taking part in the 2K will also receive a complimentary Easter egg at the end.
There will also be trophies for 1st and 2nd place in both races.
Triple A would like to thank GT Travels Keady for their kind donation for both medals and trophies and Gerard Keenan at Keenan’s Foods for his donations of water and treats. The group also want to say thanks to everyone who has supported them on numerous occasions – your support is much appreciated.
Also, dad of one of the group members, Mark Hughes, who is a local postman (pictured above) is also taking on the massive challenge for of the Belfast Marathon in May to help raise funds for the group.
Triple A is a support group which meets once a fortnight in the Dobbin Street Community Centre, where they socialise, carry out various activities, including arts and crafts – a vital service for many of our most vulnerable people in the area.
Triple A meets every second Monday of the month in the Dobbin Community Centre 7-9pm. If anyone wants to enquire about the service, please contact Triple A Facebook page here.