A St Bernard dog was mown down and killed by a hit and run driver in Armagh.
And today police are appealing for information following the incident which happened at around midnight on Thursday, April 4.
A PSNI spokesperson explained: “My colleague and I were on patrol along the Moy Road, Armagh when we were passed by a vehicle with severe damage to the front.
“I turned the police vehicle round to speak with the driver but they didn’t wait to have a chat.
“I believe that the driver turned off at the Aghanore Road/Drumcairn Road crossroads. My colleague and I searched for the vehicle for a while but couldn’t find it. So we continued on our patrol along the Moy Road.
“It was close to the Moore Island Road, Armagh that I saw parts of a vehicle lying all over the road. My headlights then shone on this mass in the middle of the road.
“I put the blue lights on to warn other drivers of the obstruction on the road. I got out and saw that this mass was a dog, in fact, a St Bernard dog.
“It doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together. We got the vet out but unfortunately it passed away in the middle of the road. The dog had no collar so we don’t even know it’s name.
“So today (Tuesday) I’m appealing for the driver of the vehicle with the damage to the front to contact us or the owner of the dog to contact us.
“If you also witnessed the collision on the Moy Road with the junction of Moore Island Road, Armagh could you please contact us on 101 ref 19 04/04/19.”