Tributes have been paid following the death of a well-known and deeply respected Christian poet, author, long standing parishioner and ministerial contributor at St Mark’s Church of Ireland, Armagh.
St Mark’s Church announced “with immense sadness” the passing of Parish Assistant and Reader, Ms Barbara Wilson on December 29, 2024 following her courageous battle with cancer.
For more than 20 years Barbara had been an instrumental figure at St Mark’s Church, where she had been initially commissioned as a Parish Reader, a position she retained until her death and one for which the Church say she will be remembered for her “incredibly thoughtful intercessions that resonated with the hearts of all who were part of our congregation as she led in prayer and worship”.
Alongside her duties as Parish Reader she also served her community as Parish Visitor owing to her ‘most compassionate and encouraging nature’.
Of her many influential writings, a representative at St Mark’s Church said: “Barbara expressed her Christian faith so readily with poetry.
“Her books will offer continued witness of her deep and personal faith.
“Prayer for healing was of particular interest to Barbara and she was a long term contributor to the Armagh Diocesan Healing Ministry and our Parish’s Prayer Ministry Partnership.”
Notably, her second book of poetry and prayer, Behold His Beauty was inspired by the faith shown by her friend, Lorna Tweedie who lost her own battle against cancer in 2014. The book was dedicated in Lorna’s name.
Beyond the realms of the parish, the ever compassionate Barbara continued to serve others. Many have expressed her willingness to listen, her incredible intelligence and her generosity with her time.
She was known for her wonderful sense of humour, denoting her clear desire to bring joy to others and to, herself, share in that joy.
Commenting on Ms Wilson’s remarkable character, one person said: “Some people go through life quietly and unnoticed. Others like our Barbara certainly wasn’t in that category, what a personality.
“No back doors and always said it as it was, no matter who she was talking to.
“Her knowledge knew no bounds and only she knows how many folk she helped behind the scenes. Her scene of doing the right thing no matter what the situation kept many a boss in the right, as well as her peers and subordinates.
“Barbara’s way with the word amazed me and some of her poems could have brought tears of laughter but always thought provoking.
“Barbara made such and impact in this life and will be so sadly missed be anyone and everyone who really knew her.”
Sharing similar sentiments, another added: “Very sad news for so many people whose lives were touched by a special lady.
“A wonderful Christian with such a strong faith tempered with a personality and character that was attractive.
“It was my pleasure to know Barbara and I can attest also to the great encouragement she was to me when a curate.
“She was so easy going and down to earth that you could relate to her with ease and could talk to her about anything. We had many great conversations and as a result she inspired me in my faith and my walk with Jesus.
“I know that she will be sorely missed by so many, myself included. She is now promoted to glory. Thinking of all her friends and family, her Rector Malcolm, and the good people of St Mark’s Armagh.”
A death notice described Barbara as the beloved daughter of the late Mary and Ross Wilson, dearly loved sister of Gollan (Vivien) and Brian (Kim), dear aunt of Carolyn, Christopher, Michael and Mark, great aunt of Luke, Jay, Anna, Martin, Fabian and Creed and a dear friend of Margaret.
Family and friends are welcome to call at her home, 6 Drummore, Drumgaw Road, Armagh on Monday (December 30) from 12pm to 7pm.
A funeral service will take place in St. Mark’s Parish Church, Armagh on Tuesday (December 31) at 1.00pm, followed by committal in the adjoining churchyard.