Meenagh, Sheelagh. The family of the late Sheelagh Meenagh (R.I.P.) who passed away on April 22, wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement.
Thanks to: Everyone who called at the wake, brought Mass and Sympathy cards, sent flowers and attended the funeral;
Special thanks to all our Relatives, and Friends who helped out during the wake.
To the Doctors and staff of Loy Medical Centre and especially Loane House, Mid Ulster Home Care team, Falls Pharmacy and Craigavon Area Hospital for the care, warmth and kindness provided to Sheelagh during her illness.
To Colleén from Niall A Loughran funeral directors for the professional and caring manner in which was carried out the funeral arrangements.
A special word of thanks to Fr Boyle for the time spent with us during the wake, for celebrating Requiem Mass and for the touching eulogy.
To Andrea Begley and for the beautiful singing and music during the Mass.
Thanks also to the staff of the Greenvale Hotel for the refreshments after the funeral.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone personally who was so kind to us, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Please leave messages of condolence in our comments section on the website
Remember a loved one with a sympathy or memoriam notice on Armagh I.
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