Doyle, Eileen (Granemore, Tassagh). The family of the late Eileen Doyle of Granemore, Tassagh would like to express our sincere appreciation to all who supported us during our sad bereavement.
We would like to thank the extended family, friends and neighbours who attended the wake and funeral.
Thanks to those who sent Mass cards, sympathy cards text messages or helped in any way.
Our thanks to all who assisted during the wake and donated food, your help and friendship was greatly appreciated.
A very special thanks to Fr. Greg Carville who celebrated the beautiful Mass and was a great comfort to the family during the past two years. To Catherine Grimley Hughes and Dermot McCusker your lovely singing and music was much appreciated.
Many thanks to the doctors, nurses and reception staff of Willowbank surgery Keady.
A very special thanks to all Mum’s carers who made it possible for Mum to remain at home during the past two years.
Thanks to Granemore GFC for the use of the hall and McEntees for providing the catering services after the funeral.
Many thanks to Cordelias of Armagh for their kindness and generosity in providing hot food during the wake.
Finally sincere thanks to Mone Funeral Directors, especially Bridget for her compassionate and professional handling of the funeral arrangements.
Months mind Mass will be celebrated in St. Mary’s Church Granemore on Wednesday December 21, at 7.30pm
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.