McKenna, Donald, (Keady). The family of the late Donald McKenna would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who sympathised, comforted and supported us during our sad bereavement.
We offer special thanks to our many friends and neighbours who helped out, brought food and offered support at this sad time, we will be forever grateful.
We would like to thank everyone who attended the wake and funeral and for those who sent mass and sympathy cards, messages and posted condolences online.
A special word of thanks to all the staff in Tynan Surgery, Dr Bridgham and the Haematology Team in Craigavon Hospital, the staff of Clinical Day Centre in Daisy Hill and Keady District Nursing Team who cared for Daddy in such a caring and professional manner.
The family would like to extend sincere thanks to Fr Sean Moore for calling to the house also for the beautiful Requiem Mass and the lovely, fitting eulogy.
To Micheal Fletcher for his lovely singing and Patricia Hagan for providing the music.
Also thanks to Mary B and the staff of The Caledonian, Keady who provided the refreshments after the funeral.
A special word of thanks to Bridget Mone for the professional, supportive, caring and dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our appreciation and gratitude.
Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday September 16, at 7.30pm in St Johns Church Middletown.
Please leave messages of condolence in our comments section on the website
Remember a loved one with a sympathy or memoriam notice on Armagh I.
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