Devlin, Ann, (nee O’Hagan). The Family of the late Ann Devlin (R.I.P) wish to express our sincere thanks to family, extended family, friends, neighbours and all who sympathised with them, and offered support following their recent heart-breaking loss of a much loved wife, mother & granny.
Sincere thanks to all who sent flowers, Mass cards, sympathy cards, messages, phone calls, called at the family home or paid tribute on social media. We are forever grateful and took comfort from your very kind words and support.
Thank you to all who offered help and provided refreshments or sent food to the house following Ann’s passing, your generosity was overwhelming.
A huge thank you to the high number of people who attended the wake and who lined the funeral route from Ann’s home to the chapel. We took great comfort in seeing so many people out to support us, for this we cannot thank you enough.
A special word of thanks to the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, the Staff of ward 5D in the Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast, the hospital chaplains, Coagh Medical centre and Coagh Chemist who cared for Ann with great compassion and for their help and support throughout this extremely difficult time.
To Fr McGuigan & Fr McGinley we offer our heartfelt appreciation for your pastoral support and for the lovely reverent Requiem Mass offered with such respect. Thanks to Roisin & Emmett for the beautiful music and to the grave diggers.
We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Lavery’s Funeral Directors for their professionalism and dignified handling of the funeral arrangements and for guiding us throughout the wake and funeral, we are eternally grateful.
As it is impossible to thank you all personally, we trust you will accept this acknowledgment as a token of our heartfelt gratitude.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions. Ann’s Month Mind Mass will take place Wednesday February 9, in The Church of the Blessed Sacrament Ardboe at 7.30pm and can be viewed here
Please leave messages of condolence in our comments section on the website
Remember a loved one with a sympathy or memoriam notice on Armagh I.
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