We, the family of the late Winnie Graham, formerly of 33 Fr Cullen Park, Bessbrook wish to express our deep appreciation and heartfelt thanks for the kindness, sympathy and support shown to us in our recent sad bereavement.
Sincere thanks to all who attended the wake, called at the house and sent cards , flowers and messages of sympathy and attended the Funeral.
Thank you to the Yellow Heifer restaurant who provided the lovely food after the funeral.
A special thanks to Father Sean Larkin for his support and prayers in the home and for celebrating the beautiful funeral mass.
We thank Brenna Byrne for the beautiful music. We also thank those who prepared the grave .
Our sincere thanks and appreciation to the Staff of Avilla Care Home who cared so well for Winnie over the last seven years.
Our thanks and appreciation also to Dr McKernan and her team at Bessbrook surgery for all their care for Winnie.
Our Heartfelt thanks to Daniel Mallon, Funeral director, for the professional, dignified and caring manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgment will be accepted as a token of our deep appreciation for the kindness and support received.
Winnie’s month’s mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday December 31 at 11:30am in St Peter and Paul Chapel, Bessbrook.
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