The wife and Family of the late Wilmur McCrum wish to convey heartful thanks to all those who sympathised and supported us through our recent sad bereavement. Thanks to all who came to our home, brought food, sent sympathy cards or messages on social media, sent donations, attended the funeral or helped in any way.
We extend our thanks to the staff of Markethill Health Centre, Haematology Ward, Mandeville Unit and Respiratory Ward, Craigavon Hospital for the compassionate way they cared for Wilmur over this past six years.
Sincere thanks to Rev Philip McClelland for his help and support and for conducting the Funeral Service and Committal, thanks to our organist Mrs Roberta Cowan for providing the music and the caterer Mrs Vera Kimmons for the refreshments.
Our sincere thanks to Mr Roy Warnock, Funeral Director and Mr Tommy Irwin (Denamona Carriages) for the dignified manner in which the Funeral was carried out.
We trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.
24 Dinnahorra Road, Markethill.