Derby, Tréa.
We, the family of the late Tréa Derby (née Cullen), wish to express our sincere gratitude for the kindness extended to us following the recent bereavement of a beloved wife, mother, daughter, sister, and aunt.
We thank all who sympathised with us by attending the wake and the funeral, brought mass and sympathy cards, telephoned, messaged or posted online. Sincere thanks to the many neighbours, friends and local businesses who brought gifts of food and floral tributes. Your love and support have provided us with great comfort at this time of profound loss for our family.
We also wish to convey our appreciation to Father Kingsley Idoghor and Deacon Kevin Devine for celebrating the mass; the sacristan and the eucharistic minister for assisting; and to Niamh Murray for the beautiful music.
We remain grateful to Jack and Margaret McLearnon for the respectful and dignified manner in which they handled the arrangements, and to the gravedigger for preparing the grave.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere gratitude.
“Mary, Queen of Ireland, pray for her.”
Tréa’s month’s mind mass will be celebrated in St. Peter’s Church, Lurgan on Friday March 15, at 7pm.
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