The O’Neill and McEvoy families of the late Shauna, Lower Ballinderry, formerly of Taghnevan, Lurgan, extend their heartfelt gratitude to all those who offered sympathy and support during their recent period of mourning. They deeply appreciate the kindness of their friends and kind neighbours who assisted in any way, visited the home, sent Mass cards, and sympathy cards, made phone calls or wrote letters, as well as everyone who attended Shauna’s funeral Mass.
Special thanks are extended to those family, friends and neighbours who provided ongoing support to Shauna and the family throughout her illness and stay in the Hospital. The family expresses heartfelt gratitude to the staff at the Royal Victoria Hospital Ward 4F for their unwavering attention, support and exceptional care of Shauna and her family. A special mention to Mr Hurst (Neurologist) and Sarah (Palliative Care).
The family also wishes to recognise Father Maciej Zacharek for his attentiveness and thoughtful celebration of Shauna’s Requiem Mass, Mark Magee for the beautiful music and Fionnuala, St Paul’s Church Sacristan for her attentive support. Also thank you to the Golden Crust Bakery, The Stables Bar, Dermy at the Corner Shop and Donna for all their kindness throughout the wake.
Appreciation also goes to McAlinden & Murtagh Funeral Directors for their professional and dignified handling of the funeral arrangements.
With gratitude on behalf of Shauna’s husband, son, mother, sisters, brothers, and family circle.
Shauna’s month’s mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday January 20, at 10.30 am in St Paul’s Church, Lurgan.
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