Gray, Samuel. The family of the late Samuel Gray wish to express our deep gratitude and sincere appreciation to all those who sympathised with us during our recent bereavement. We offer our heartfelt thanks to all our relatives, friends, neighbours and colleagues. The support you have provided has been a comfort to us and will sustain us for the time ahead.
Thank you to all who visited or contacted us with messages of condolences, sent sympathy cards and attended the Funeral. For those during the wake who provided food or helped out in any way, we are truly grateful.
Special thanks to Dad’s Nephews Paul Gray and John Gray who officiated at the Services and to all who took part.
Our heartfelt thanks to Ann’s Home Care Team, led by Dearbhaile, to the Doctors, Nurses and Staff in the AMU Ward CAH who looked after Dad so well.
To Milne Funeral Services, our grateful thanks for the professional and dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were conducted.
Thanks also to Sharon and William Conn for the catering after the funeral.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our deep appreciation.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.
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