McKenna, Rose.
We the family of the late Rose McKenna, would like to express a sincere thanks to all who sympathised with us in our recent sad bereavement.
Thank you to all our extended family and friends for their love and support during Rose’s illness. Many thanks to all who called to the house, travelled from near and far, helped at the wake, sent mass/sympathy cards, brought food and gifts and attended the funeral Mass.
Thank you to the Doctors and nurses who attended her at Craigavon hospital, Loane House and Dunlarg Care Home, and especially her GP Dr Watters and the Keady nurses.
Thank you to Fr Sean O’Neill for his friendship and spiritual support, and to Fr Aidan McCann for the beautiful Mass. Thank you to Patricia Hagan and Catherine Grimley for the music and hymns which was a fittiny celebration of Rose’s life. We’d also like to thank Fr Peter McAnenly and Fr Egan (Dromantine) for their lovely letters and prayers, also Canon Crawley and Fr Sean Moore for their attendance and prayers.
A special thanks to Mone Funeral Undertakers, especially Bridget for her dignified, caring and professional services. We also thank Richard Dickson who meticulously prepared the grave. Many thanks to Mary B Mone for the lovely post burial meal and to Keady Parish for the use of the hall.
As it would be impossible to thank each one individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of deep gratitude and heartfelt appreciation.
Rose’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Patrick’s Church Keady on Sunday December 29, at 11:30am.