Roisin’s family, Maura and Ursula, nieces and nephews, would like to take this opportunity to express our deep appreciation and heartfelt thanks to family, friends, kind neighbours and to all who sympathised with us at this sad time.
To all who attended the wake, funeral and sent Mass/Sympathy cards, gifts, letters of condolence or telephoned our home we thank you.
Many thanks to the medical team at Craigavon Area Hospital, Lurgan Hospital and to the wider Health Service Community Team whose assistance, advice and caring was very much appreciated.
Thanks to the management and staff of Roisin’s Residential Care and Nursing Home for the excellent care and attention offered to Roisin, we are extremely grateful.
Our grateful thanks to Fr. John Burns for the beautiful Requiem Mass, and his spiritual guidance and support, also to all those who participated in the celebration of the Requiem Mass.
To the Hanna Sisters for the beautiful music all of which contributed to a very moving celebration. Our thanks to McAlinden and Murtagh Funeral Directors, and their team for the professional caring and dignified manner in which the entire arrangements were carried out.
As it is not possible to thank you all individually we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere thanks.
Roisin’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated in St. Colman’s Church, Kilwarlin at 11:00am on Saturday February 10.
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