Woods, Robert. (Dungannon). Yvonne, Alan, Niall, Craig and the entire family circle of the late Robert Woods would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone who sympathised with us on the passing of a dear loving husband, devoted father, brother and friend to many.
To all who called at our home, sent cards, flowers, gifts and messages of condolences from home and afar. To all those who attended the funeral service with us and those who sent donations in lieu of flowers for Milltown Parish Church and Craigavon Cardiac Care Association.
To our amazing church family in Milltown, Rev. Geoffrey Walmsley for conducting the beautiful service, Rev. Alan Cross for assisting, to our faithful organist Mrs Claire Smith for the lovely music and Chris and helpers for the recording and sound system.
To the church wardens and helpers for coordinating the seating arrangements and parking and to the Smyth family for the use of their grounds for additional parking – it really is much appreciated.
To Milltown Mother’s Union and all the ladies of our church family – a special thank you for the mammoth task of catering after the service and to all those who provided food for the tea.
We would personally like to thank the staff of Ward 5a RVH and especially the nursing staff of Ward 1 North in Craigavon Area Hospital for their dedicated and professional care of Robert. A special mention to the two teams of cardiac paramedics for their rapid response and for their help and care of both Robert and us.
We want to especially thank Trevor Irwin and all those who helped him, for the most dignified and courteous way he carried out the most difficult job on the day. We are truly grateful for all you did.
Finally – to Alan Wray and staff (Funeral Directors) – we would like to sincerely thank you for the most professional, dignified, caring and personal way you carried out the arrangements and for all your help and guidance to the family in difficult times.
Please accept this acknowledgement as a sincere and heartfelt thanks and appreciation to everyone.
“Safe in the Arms of Jesus”.
“Those we love don’t go away; they walk beside us every day…”
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