Rodney’s wife Mary, Son Keith, Daughter Joanne and all the family circle desire to return their sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neighbours who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement.
Thanks are extended to Dr O McCloskey and associates (Banbridge Group Surgery), District Nursing Sister Jenny Beattie and her team, Marie Curie Nurses and also to the doctors and nurses at Craigavon Area Hospital and St John’s Hospice, Newry for all their medical care and attention given to Rodney.
Grateful thanks to Rev Willie Nixon, Ven John Scott and Mr Douglas Barr for their kind ministrations, prayers, and words of comfort and support.
Special thanks are also extended to Mrs Christina Rutherdale who presided at the organ and Mrs Joyce Maxwell for preparations she made in the village Church.
A special word of thanks to the ladies of Seapatrick Village Church and Holy Trinity Parish Church Banbridge for providing the refreshments.
To Drew and Inez Gregg, Lorna and Adrian Horner and Carol Whitten for all their help given in the family home.
Donations in lieu of flowers please to William Bell & Co Funeral Directors 23 Kenlis Street Banbridge, BT32 3LR for Seapatrick Parish Church and Banbridge District Nursing Team (Cheques made payable to William Bell & Co Donations Account please).
To all those who called at the home, sent letters, cards and messages of sympathy, made telephone calls, attended the funeral or helped in any other way and finally to William Bell & Co for the kind and caring manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements.
Trusting this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.