Kerr, Robbie. (Armagh) The Sisters, Brother, Brother-in-Law, Son, Daughter, Grandchildren and Nieces of the late Robbie Kerr wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who supported and sympathised with them on the sad and untimely passing of Robbie, Brother, Father, Grandfather, Uncle, and friend to many.
To those who attended the wake and funeral, brought mass or sympathy cards, sent flowers, telephoned, or posted their condolences online these were all greatly appreciated. A special mention to Robbie’s long-time friend Lenny whose friendship and support meant so much to him and will be forever appreciated by the Kerr Family.
Special thanks to District Nursing Sister Val, the doctors of the Friary Surgery, Marie Curie Nurse Deborah and Macmillan Nurse Matthew Kelly for their kindness and excellent care and support to Robbie during his short illness. We are deeply grateful to you all.
Thanks and appreciation to Raffles for the lovely refreshments and to those who brought food to the wake and to all who helped in any way.
We thank Fr Barry Matthews for celebrating Robbie’s Requiem Mass and for delivering such a personal and fitting tribute to him. To Cathy and Patricia for the elegant music and singing.
Sincere thanks and appreciation to Martin Kelly Funeral Directors for the sensitive, dignified, and professional manner in which they conducted the entire funeral arrangements.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere gratitude.
Robbie’s month’s mind mass will be celebrated on Saturday February 4, at 6:30pm in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.