The family of the late Peter Kerr RIP wish to express our sincere thanks to our kind relatives, friends and neighbours who supported us in our recent bereavement. Sincere thanks to everyone who called at the house, attended the funeral, sent mass and sympathy cards of attended the funeral.
To those friends and neighbours who provided food and refreshments during the wake, we are extremely grateful to you. A special thanks to Dr De Alwis and the staff at Wynne Hill Surgery for the care and attention they give to Peter at home.
Thanks also to Dr Mitchell at Belfast City Hospital, to the team of SHSCT staff and to the Marie Curie and MacMillan teams for the care given to Peter in his final few months, we are deeply grateful to all of you.
We are also very grateful to Canon Liam Stevenson for attending to Peter at home and for celebrating his Funeral Mass, thanks also to Christina Scullion and Aine McKee for their beautiful music and singing which enriched the Mass.
We are also very grateful to Pauline Skelton and Team and to Sarsfields GFC, Derrytrasna for the use of their hall for refreshments after the funeral service.
We also take this opportunity to thank McAlinden and Murtagh Funeral Directors for the very sensitive and dignified manner in which they conducted the entire funeral arrangements.
As it’s impossible to thank everyone individually so we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere gratitude.
Peter’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday, January 6 at 7:00 pm in St Peter’s Church, Lurgan.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.