We, the family of the late Paul McNicholl would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all those who supported and sympathised with us on our recent bereavement…
To all those who attended Paul’s wake and funeral, to everyone who called at our home, sent mass cards, sympathy cards and messages of condolences and support, for those who made tea and provided food during the wake and after the funeral and to everyone who gave donations in lieu we thank you dearly…
A special word to thanks to our family and close friends whom without their help and support we would not have got through this very difficult time…
We send our heartfelt thanks to all the nurses and doctors that looked after Paul over the years in the Day Clinical Centre in South Tyrone Hospital and in Craigavon Hospital, to Campbell surgery and to Adrian and all his staff in Gordons chemist, we thank you…
To Martin Kelly Funeral Directors for the professional and caring way they carried out the funeral arrangements, the gravediggers and to Fr Thomas McHugh who officiated Requiem mass and to Eilis Fox for the beautiful music..
It is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgment as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Paul’s months mind mass will be on Tuesday May 14, at 7pm in St John’s Church Moy.
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