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Acknowledgement for the late Paul Kelly (Dungannon)

Kelly, Paul.

The Family of the late Paul Kelly (RIP) (31 Crannon Way Dungannon) would like to extend their heartfelt gratitude to everyone who offered sympathy, prayers and support during the recent loss of a dearly beloved brother, uncle and father.

We are truly thankful to all those who paid their respects in any form, a special thanks to our wonderful neighbours and friends who provided food, mass cards, sent messages and shared tributes, your empathy, kindness and support during this difficult time have meant a great deal to us.

We express our sincere thanks to the 1916 society, Kevin Mc Bride for playing the bag pipes, stewards, keepers of the canal, James Connolly society, McElvoques for the marquee.

To Eilis Fox for the beautiful singing, Anton for videoing the funeral and to the Grange club.

We extend our deepest appreciation to Fr Barry Matthews for his compassionate care and spiritual support he provided to our family and his beautiful homily during the requiem Mass.

Our deepest appreciation to Martin Kelly Funeral directors for their assistance and professionalism in which the handled the funeral. We also appreciate the grave digger for preparing Pauls resting place.

Although it is impossible to thank everyone individually we hope this acknowledgement will convey our sincere gratitude.

Paul’s month mind will be on Saturday December 7, at 6pm in St Colmcille Church Knockaconey.

“St Padro pio pray for him.”

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