Dynes, Patsy. (Moy). We the family of the late Patsy Dynes wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sympathised with us on our recent sad bereavement.
We would like to thank all who attended the wake, sent mass/sympathy cards, and attended the funeral.
A special word of sincere gratitude to the dedicated team of nurses and care staff from Collegeland Nursing Home for their friendliness and care that they showed not only to Dad during his time there but to us as a family also.
We extent our sincere thanks to Fr T. McHugh for conducting a lovely funeral mass, to Siobhan Robinson for her beautiful singing during the mass and to all who helped with the funeral service in any way.
Finally, thanks to B.J. Martin & Son, Funeral Directors, for the respectful and dignified way the funeral arrangements were carried out.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of the family’s heartfelt gratitude.
Dad’s Month Mind Mass will be held on Friday July 21, at 7pm in St. Johns Chapel, Moy.