Carr, Patsy.
We, the family of the late Patsy Carr, would like to express our sincere thanks to all who sympathised and supported us through the recent passing of our much loved wife, mother, grandmother, mother-in-law, sister, sister-in law, and a friend to many.
To everyone that called to the wake from near and far and attended the funeral, telephoned, sent cards, messages, flowers and for sharing so many wonderful stories.
A special word of thanks to The Carr Family and all our relatives, neighbours and friends who generously brought food or helped in any way with the wake and funeral, we are eternally grateful. Words cannot express how grateful we are for your kindness and generosity shown to us.
Heartfelt thanks to Fr McCann for the beautiful Requiem Mass and Keady Choir for the beautiful singing and music throughout the funeral service, special thanks also to Fr O’Neill for the support throughout mummy’s illness, for the support at her wake and burial ceremony.
A special word of appreciation for all the District nurses, Newry Hospice staff, Ann’s Home care and the Hospital staff who cared for mummy throughout her illness. The dignity
maintained throughout her illness is a testament to you all and we will be forever grateful to each and every one of you.
A special thanks to Bridget Mone and Team at Mones Funeral Services for the professionalism and empathy shown throughout mummy’s passing and for looking after us with all the funeral arrangements.
Thanks to Mary B Mone for the catering and refreshments after the funeral service.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgment will be accepted as an expression of our gratitude.
The sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions.
Mummy’s Month’s Mind will be celebrated on Friday December 20, at 7:30pm in St Mary’s Church Granemore. Refreshments will be served afterwards in Granemore Hall.