We, the family of the late Patricia Magill RIP, (Drumgask Road, Craigavon) would like to acknowledge and thank all those who offered sympathy, help, and support during our recent bereavement.
We especially thank those who kept us in their thoughts and prayers, called at our home, attended the funeral, sent cards, or assisted in any way. Your love and support have provided us with great comfort at this time of profound loss for our family.
Special thanks to Fr. Fitzpatrick for his support, for the beautiful mass and for the very personal eulogy, to the sacristans for their assistance, and to Tommy Fleming and his band for the singing and music.
We will be eternally grateful to the staff of the Lakes Family Practice, Craigavon Area Hospital, the Community Stroke Team, Lurgan District Nursing Team, and the Marie Curie Team, for their compassion, care, and support.
Thank you also to Jack and Margaret McLearnon for the professional and dignified way they carried out the funeral arrangements, to the grave diggers for preparing the grave, and to Colleen & Mickey Breen and all the staff at Lurgan Golf Club for the catering following the funeral service.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as an expression of our sincere appreciation and gratitude.
A mass will be offered for your intentions.
Patricia’s Month Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday March 2, at 7.30pm in St. Anthony’s Church, Craigavon.
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