Grimley, Pat. We the family of the late Pat Grimley (deceased 22nd March 2020) RIP Nellie, Brian, Helen, Ann, Maura, Kevin, Barry, Seamus, Patricia, Micheal and Matthew, his 33 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren would like to offer belated appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised with us on the loss of a much loved husband, father and Grandfather. With Pats death occurring during the early days of the pandemic we are aware many people were unable to offer their condolences in person however as a family we took great support and comfort in the many expressions of sympathy via phone, letter and online. Many people wrote lovely letters sharing ‘their personal memories of a special character”. These gestures were of tremendous solace to us and made the heartache more bearable. They have become treasured keepsakes.. Now on the eve of his 1st anniversary and with ongoing restrictions we are sadly unable to celebrate Pats life in the manner we would have wished to. Nonetheless we still want to publicly acknowledge people for their kindness.
To our kind neighbours and friends who called at the house, sent mass cards and gifts of food and offered support or help in anyway we are indebted in gratitude. We thank all the priests of the parish Fr McKeever Fr White and Fr Carville (CilChulana.) and in particular Fr Peter McAnely for his friendship and pastoral care of Pat throughout the years and for officiating at a beautiful fitting and personal funeral Mass. Thanks also to the doctors and nurses and community staff of Tynan surgery and especially Dr McAlinden. Also the medical staff of DHH Renal Unit whose guidance and care was much appreciated by Pat and all the family.
Madden GFC are deserving of great praise for their dignified guard of honour for Pat a true, loyal and lifetime Gael and massive supporter of the club, thankyou most sincerely.
Finally thanks to Paul Hughes videographer for bringing Pats funeral Mass to all those unable to attend in person and also Mone Funeral Directors for their professional and compassionate handling of all the funeral arrangements.
We trust this acknowledgements will be accepted by all as a small token of our deepest appreciation.
Pats 1st anniversary Mass will be livestreamed on Keady Parish webcam on Saturday (20/3/21 @6pm) and Sunday (21/3/21 @ 11am)