Cromie, Oliver. We, the family of the late Oliver Cromie, Blackwatertown, would like to thank, most sincerely, all our friends and neighbours who helped and supported us through our very recent and sad bereavment.
Thank you to everyone who helped at the wake, sent cards and messages of sympathy, provided food and refreshments, attended the wake and funeral. We are forever grateful.
To Bendict J Martin & Son, Funeral Director, for the professional and caring manner in which the funeral was carried out during our most difficult days.
Thank you to Father McHugh for celebrating daddy’s beautiful Requiem Mass, it brought us great comfort.
Thank you to all who participated in the Funeral Mass and to Siobhan Robinson for her beautiful singing during tbe Mass.
A very special thank you to Oliver’s grandson Luke Dynes, who helped his grandad, unconditionally, every single day and night to the very end.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement, as a gesture of our family’s deepest gratitude.
Olivers Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St. Jarlaths Church, Clonfeacle on Sunday June 12, at 11.30 am.
” Safe in the arms of Jesus”.
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