McGuigan, Noreen R.I.P. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my wonderful neighbours, friends and extended family for their help and support shown to me during my recent sad loss. Your many acts of kindness are deeply appreciated and continue to give me great comfort, especially those who sent cards, messages, brought gifts, flowers, called to my home, travelled and attended Noreen’s Funeral.
A special thanks to the Domiciliary Care Team, Ann’s Home Care Team, the district Nurse and the Acute and Medical wards in Craigavon Area Hospital for all the care and attention given to Noreen.
To Hugh and Dermot from Quinn Bros. Funeral Services for the professional, dignified and personal manner in which the Funeral was carried out and for the support and guidance given to me and also to Brian for the preparation of Noreen’s ever lasting resting place.
Sincere thanks to Canon Toner and Fr. Clarke for visiting the home and to Fr. Brendan Mac Parland for receiving Noreen’s Remains into the Church and Fr Clarke for celebrating Noreen’s beautiful Requiem Mass, it brought us great comfort.
I would like to thank Sacristan Francis Hagan for all his help and support. Thanks to Kate, Maemie and Connor for the lovely singing and the music which made the mass beautiful and personal to our family.
Although it is impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgement and as token of my deep appreciation.
Noreen’s months mind Mass will be held on Saturday 23rd July at 7.00pm in St. John the Baptist Church Drumcree.
“Rest in Eternal Peace”.
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