Graham, Noel, Dungannon. The wife Vivian, brother and sisters of the late Noel Graham wish to thank most sincerely all of the many relatives, friends and neighbours who sympathised with us in our recent sad bereavement. This includes those who attended the funeral service, sent sympathy cards, visited the home, telephoned and sent messages via social media.
A very special thanks goes to Rev. M Dodds for his pastoral care and for conducting the funeral service. We also wish to thank Mrs Moore for playing the piano.
We wish to acknowledge the care shown to Noel by Dr Arnold, Dr Cole, the nursing staff in Bridgewater Suite and the Haematology Ward in Belfast City Hospital.
The donations to Castlecaulfield Presbyterian Church in lieu of flowers were greatly appreciated.
Sincere thanks to F. Martin & Sons Funeral Directors for the efficient and dignified manner which the funeral arrangements were organised and conducted.
Many thanks to Elma, Carol, Ruth and April for serving a lovely tea following the service.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of sincere thanks to all.
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