Martin, Netta.
The brother, nephew and nieces of the late Netta Martin wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to everyone who sympathised with us on our recent sad bereavement. Thanks to all our amazing family, friends and neighbours who called at the home, telephoned, brought gifts, sent cards and messages of comfort or helped in any way. Our appreciation also extends to those who attended the funeral with us and those who sent donations in lieu of flowers.
We would also like to give special thanks to Noeleen Marshall (Trust Home Care) and her devoted team of carers for the love, kindness, care, attention and support they gave Netta at home over the last number of years.
Thanks also to the Doctors and staff of Lurgan Medical Practice, Lurgan District Nursing Team, Acute Care at Home Team and Clear Pharmacy who all made it possible for Netta to remain comfortable in her own home, thank you for all your support and kindness over the years.
Many thanks to our Church family in Magheralin/Dollingstown for all their prayers, help and support, to the Rev Simon Genoe and Rev Emma Carson for their pastoral support and dedicated visits to Netta and for conducting her wonderful funeral service.
Thanks also to the staff of ‘Butterfly Kisses’ who provided the lovely food and refreshments following the service.
Finally sincere thanks to Malcomson’s Funeral Directors for their genuine warmth, compassion, support and guidance and for the dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
Special thanks to Nathan for all his assistance and support and to Elizabeth for the beautiful flowers.
As it is impossible for us to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our family’s deep appreciation.
Jackie, Jonathan, Jill, Linda, Joy.
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