Corrigan, Nathan, late of 14 Garvaghey Mews Ballygawley, Co.Tyrone. We, Nathan’s parents, Damian and Kate and his brother Callum would like to express our heartfelt and sincere thanks to those who sympathised and supported us throughout Nathan’s wake and funeral.
Sincere thanks to all who visited us to comfort and support us during the difficult days before Nathan returned home.
We wish to also acknowledge and sincerely thank the local neighbours first on the scene of the accident and we truly are grateful for their diligence in contacting the Emergency Services and for their immediate assistance and their continued assistance in the hours following the accident.
We also thank the Management and staff of Kelly’s Inn for their kind assistance to all involved at the accident scene.
We wish to thank and acknowledge all the Emergency Services who attended at the scene of the accident – The Ambulance service, The Fire Service and The PSNI. We appreciate their difficult task and we are forever grateful for their expertise, dignity , reverence and respect shown to Nathan and his two friends Peter Finnegan RIP and Petey McNamee RIP. The PSNI personnel at the accident scene were especially kind and respectful and carried out their duties in a highly dignified manner and as a family we thank them for this and for their assistance with traffic management when we were bringing Nathan home and at his funeral.
Special thanks to Monsignor Curry for the dignified administration of the Last Rites to Nathan and we are very grateful for his support on the morning of the accident and indeed in the weeks that followed.
Special and heartfelt thanks to Fergal Farley Funeral Directors Beragh for his professional, dignified, warm and sensitive manner in which all arrangements were carried out – including liaising with the Coroner’s office in Belfast, Nathan’s home journey and funeral arrangements and for printing and supplying the Requiem Mass Booklets – everything was handled with great care and kindness.
Many thanks to all who formed respectful and supportive Guards of Honour for Nathan’s journey home and at his funeral. To all who stood out in Sixmilecross, Beragh, Crawfords Bridge and at various points along the way home and in Garvaghey we offer our sincere and heartfelt thanks.
To Knockmany Running Club, OHM Engineering, Tyrone Ladies LGFA, Beragh Red Knights GFC and Roscavey Ps who formed Guards of Honour for Nathan’s funeral we are truly grateful.
We thank everyone who stood out and lined the way from our home to St. Matthew’s Church Garvaghey We took great comfort from all this support and Nathan would have been so pleased and proud to see so many people there for him. Thank you.
Sincere thanks to the many friends, family members and neighbours who attended Nathan’s wake and thanks to those who sent kind and thoughtful mass and sympathy cards, messages and prayers.
A special word of thanks to Nathan’s wide circle of friends who gave up their time to visit us and to pay their respects to Nathan. To his close friends who assisted with the car parking, lighting on the road, marquee set up and continual help throughout the week with various jobs and for assisting so readily at the funeral, we are forever thankful. You all kept us and Nathan in great company all week and we value the time you spent with us as a family to support us at our saddest time.
We thank everyone who helped at Nathan’s wake, those who sent food, refreshments and floral tributes or helped in any way.
Special thanks goes to Mike O’Hanlon, Shane O’Hanlon and Stephen McKenna of OHM Engineering where Nathan worked, for their support and words of comfort and to his work colleagues and friends who came to his wake and talked so fondly of Nathan and told us heart-warming stories about Nathan in his workplace. We appreciate this and will treasure those words forever.
We wish to thank also the many groups of friends who supported Callum and ourselves throughout the week – Beragh Red Knights Senior team and Management, Tyrone Ladies LGFA, Knockmany Running Club, Roscavey Ps, McAleer and Rushe, Callum’s university friends and his lecturers who all took time to support us during this sad and difficult period. We really appreciated this support so readily given to us all.
Special thanks to Fr.M O’Dwyer for his guidance, prayers and comforting support throughout Nathan’s wake and for his assistance in preparing for the funeral mass . We thank him and Fr .S.McGinley for co- celebrating the beautiful requiem mass and we thank Fr. O’Dwyer for his kind, thoughtful and poignant eulogy in remembrance of Nathan. Sincere thanks to Noleen Neill and her family members for the outstanding, beautiful and uplifting music and singing throughout the funeral mass celebration. We thank Shane Donnelly and Eamon McCullough for preparing the church. Thanks to all who participated in and contributed to the funeral mass – the readers and those who presented the Offertory gifts. Special thanks to Anton Teague who prepared Nathan’s final resting place with such sincere gentleness and care. We wish to also thank all who attended Nathan’s funeral and to those who travelled distances to be there. To all who sent beautiful wreaths with heartfelt sympathy messages we truly are grateful. Thanks to Kelly’s Inn for the very welcomed funeral meal and refreshments.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we as a family trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a small gesture of our sincere appreciation and apologies to anyone we may have unintentionally missed.
Nathan’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Monday January 24, at 7pm St.Matthew’s Church Garvaghey.
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