McGuigan, Michael (Mickey). We the family of the late Michael (Mickey) McGuigan wish to express our heartfelt thank you to everyone who sympathised with us on our recent sad passing of our father Mickey.
We are very grateful to those who sent mass cards, letters, telephoned, called to the house, sent floral tributes and sent messages via social media.
To friends and family who helped in anyways during the last difficult days, we will always be grateful.
To Dr Larkin and Dr Lambe (retired) and staff of Dundalk Street Surgery. Siobhan and Patricia and all district nurses, carers who looked after Daddy down through the years. To the staff of Clarke’s Chemist, thank you.
To Canon Toner for his spiritual comfort and kindness to Daddy and for a beautiful mass. To Dearbhla for providing beautiful music at the mass.
Thank you to Seamus and Aisling Murray for their compassion, professionalism, help and support given to us during the wake and funeral and to Andrew the gravedigger.
To Gary Keenan and staff for the beautiful food and use of premises.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgment will be accepted as a token of our appreciation.
Mickey’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated Sunday May 21, at 10am in St Michaels Church, Newtownhamilton.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.