The family of the late Matthew McGrath R.I.P wish to express their sincere heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement.
We offer our thanks to all those who sent mass and sympathy cards, offered condolences, attended the funeral. We also extend special thanks to family and close friends who called to our home, and to our neighbours who helped and supported us throughout. The warmth, love and support we received from everyone including the wider community and further afield has been amazing. Thank you!
Thank you to the emergency services and medical staff at RVH who attended and treated Matthew to the best of their abilities, we appreciate the work you do.
A special thanks to Canon Colm Mc Bride for his kind tribute to Matthew at the funeral Mass. To Jack and Margaret McLearnon undertaker for carrying out the funeral arrangements in a dignified and very caring manner, we thank you.
To Matthews bosses and work colleagues from Portglenone Refrigeration Ltd, we are eternally grateful to all who showed their appreciation for Matthew throughout the wake and day of funeral it meant a lot to us to see how well he was thought of. Matthew would be honoured and proud of you all.
To all of Matthews friends who were of great support and for all they done.
As it is not possible to thank everyone who supported us during this sad time we hope that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our thanks and appreciation.
Matthew’s month’s mind mass will be on Tuesday March 19, at 7.00pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Aghagallon.
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