The family of the late Mary Monahan R.I.P. 30 Main Street, Middletown, February 17, 2024 extend their heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming sympathy and support we received during our recent bereavement.
We offer our heartfelt thanks to our own family, Friends and neighbours who attended and helped with the wake, sent mass cards, sympathy cards,attended the funeral mass and the grave digger’s who prepared Mary’s final resting place.
We would like to thank All the staff of St John’s Hospice Newry, Doctors and Nurses ofTynan Surgery and Domiciliary carers who helped to care for Maryat home.
A special thank you to Fr Sean Moore for his lovely requiem mass and support to the family.Martin and Rosemary for their help and support and the beautiful singing.
A sincere thank you to Brian Grimley for his care and transport of our dear father.
We extend our deepest gratitude to Martin,Eamon and Paddy for the professional and dignified manner they carried out their deities.
Thank you to Middletown Parish community hall for the use of the hall and to BLT in Dugannon for the catering at the wake and providing refreshments after the Funeral.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we sincerely hope this acknowledgment will be excepted has a token of our sincere gratitude and appreciation.
May her gentle soul rest in peace.
Month’s mind mass in St John’s church Middletown at 11.30 on Saturday March 16.
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