Mackin, Mary Bridget. The husband Peter John, son Sean ,brother James and the extended family circle wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all our kind family, neighbours and friends for their support and expressions of sympathy on our sad loss.
To all who attended the wake/funeral, brought mass/sympathy cards, gifts of food and floral tributes ,phoned or sent condolences in any way we are most grateful.
Thanks also to the ladies who made and served tea over the wake.
Massive thanks to the carers from Enable Care Service, the Keady District Nursing team, the Drs and staff of Friary Surgery and the input and direction from the Macmillan team which all collectively enabled Mary Bridget to be lovingly cared for at home with her family.
A special thanks to Fr Greg Carville for his pastoral care of Mary Bridget and indeed to us all as a family and for officiating at a very personal funeral mass. Thanks also to Petrina and Liam for preparing the church and to Sinead and Pierce for the music to enhance the celebration of the Mass.
To Richard from M.C.S (gravedigger) who prepared the grave we thank you.
The provision of Ballymacnab Hall for refreshments after the funeral was most welcome and we thank you for the use of the facility and to McEntees for the food.
Finally to Bridget Mone and staff of Mone Funeral Directors for the complete, compassionate and professional handling of all the funeral arrangements.
We trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a sincere token of our appreciation.
Mary Bridget’s month mind mass will be held in St Patrick’s Church Ballymacnab on Monday April 25, at 7:30pm
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